Saturday, September 1, 2018

Feed readers are great technological tools that one can use to keep track of the different websites or blogs without having to go back and forth between web browsers. The Blog Reader that I decided to use was Feedly. I chose Feedly because of its simple and user friendly features. In contrast, I felt that the feeder NewsBlur was more challenging to use, since I am not as technology savvy, as I wish I was. Moreover, Feedly is an app that is very practical and easy to use, and it made it easier for me to access content and make collections of the articles, websites or topics that are of high reading interest for me. Another feature that I liked was that you can link it to your social media accounts, making it even more relevant to use along with them.

Blog: Mighty Little Librarian

The “Mighty Little Librarian” is a blog created by Tiffany Whitehead, who is a school librarian, who integrates technology in the library.

 I decided to follow this blog so that I can learn and read about what she does in her library. I really liked that she uses technology, which is ever so present in our lives, to make the library a fun and inviting place for readers!

Blog: Teen Librarian Toolbox

The “Teen Librarian Toolbox” is a blog affiliated with the School Library Journal and it provides updates and important information regarding the literacy world.

I chose to follow this blog because it is multifaceted, it provides book reviews. Games, new and upcoming YA Literature, Reading projects, reflections and other important and relevant resources for young adult readers.

Blog: The Daring Librarian

This blog really captured my attention, “The Daring Librarian” is written by Gwyneth A. Jones who is a teacher librarian and Ed Tech Leader. Jones’s blog is not on informative and filled with great tips and information, it is also very interesting and a fun read!

“The Daring Librarian” has become my new favorite blog to read, which is why I decided to follow it. Her posts are always an interesting read and quite informative. I really liked that she is also friends with fellow librarian and blogger Tiffany Whitehead!

 Blog: YALSABlog

This is the official blog of the Young Adult Library Services Association and the Blog Manager is Allison Renner. The YALSABlog is all about providing the latest information and new practices for library services; it offers resources for its members and library community.

I decided to follow this blog because it is relevant for Young Adult Readers, it raises awareness and facilitates innovation to and for its members and as a future librarian it is important to be up to date and emerged in what is important to and in the literacy community.

This blog is written by Jessamyn West, who is a librarian, writer and technology instructor and consultant. This is a really unique weblog by a librarian and it offers tips and important information.

I followed this blog because it is filled with great information for new librarians and media specialists in general. This blog is great and provides information on a range of topics like recommended reading lists, tips, relevant and important literary updates, and advice on mostly everything related to library services.



  1. Cristal,
    Like you, I also chose Feedly. I also highlighted many of the same websites or blogs. I'll admit, I had difficulties narrowing it down to just a handful, there were so many to choose from.

  2. It is helpful that you gave a concise, but useful review of each blog. I know I will probably be going back to this and reading your viewpoints during the decision-making process of who to follow.
    -Nicole Hernandez

  3. I also used Feedly. I liked the clean interface and it had high reviews. Thanks for featuring Mighty Little Librarian; I will have to follow her because I like getting even more ideas for technology in the library.


Final Reflection

This course LSSL 5391 Internet for School Librarians was a challenge in the sense that I had never used mos of the programs or apps u...